Ultra-narrow linewidth lasers with wide tunability range

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Showcase Lasers Provide


Ultra-narrow linewidth. High quality cavities, using high quality chips and high precision assembly ensures linewidth < 1 kHz.


Wide tunability range from 5 to 100 nm due to MRR tuning.


High output power of > 20 dBm by using dual gain InP chip.


Low cost. Volume flip chip assembly process should reduce assembly cost well below 100 USD.

Highlighted Laser Products

Showcase offers narrow-linewidth tunable lasers with butterfly package as well as OEM module.

Showcase CT3

  • < 10 kHz linewidth
  • >20 mW output power
  • C-band tunability
  • Proven long-term reliability
  • Built-in TEC
  • PM pigtail

Showcase CF3

  • < 10 kHz linewidth
  • >10 mW output power
  • 1550 nm wavelength
  • Proven long-term reliability
  • Built-in TEC
  • PM pigtail

Showcase VT3 – 680 nm

  • < 10 kHz linewidth
  • >3mW output power
  • 680 nm wavelength
  • Proven long-term reliability
  • Built-in TEC
  • PM pigtail
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    Showcase Lasers Provide 01 Ultra-narrow linewidth. High quality cavities, using high quality chips and high precision assembly ensures linewidth < […]

Find the right laser for your application

Showcase’ lasers are suited for applications like coherent optical communication, fiber sensing, LiDAR,
microwave photonics, quantum and more. Contact us to discover what laser best suits your application.