Hybrid-integration external cavity laser (ECL) technology

Chilas lasers are made with hybrid-integration laser technology. Chilas’ laser comprises an InP reflective semiconductor optical amplifier (RSOA) as gain medium and a Si3N4 waveguide circuit as external cavity. The RSOA is edge-coupled to the external cavity. Two coupled micro-ring resonators (MRRs) with slightly different free spectral range (FSR) in the cavity ensure stable single frequency operation due to the Vernier effect. By means of heater elements the micro-ring resonators can be tuned over a 2𝜋 phase shift, permitting the laser to address any wavelength within the gain bandwidth.

Schematic of external cavity laser technology

Due to low cavity loss and long optical cavity length, Chilas’ laser can achieve high output power (> 20mW) and ultra-narrow linewidth (< 1kHz).

The lasers come as a standard 14-pin butterfly package, equipped with a Peltier element. The output fiber is PM with a FC/APC connector. Upon request, other packages and fibers can be made available.